7:23 PM

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We learnt a new topic last week and the topic is about SMILES. What is SMILES? SMILES is short form for Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System. It is used to translate a chemical's three-dimensional structure into a string of symbol that is easily understood by computer software. The purpose of SMILES is to translate the structure into a linear representation so that a computer program can understand the structure. We also learned how to name chemical structures using IUPAC format in detail.

The pictures below are SMILES Specification Rules- as in rules on how to convert the chemical compound structures into SMILES notation;


( slides credits to: Dr Azran)

Psychology of Color

6:53 AM

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Colours, without us realizing it, plays a huge role in our life. The colours we choose actually defines our personality and moods. In our last class with Dr. Azran, he explained about the psychology of color and how colors actually play a major role- especially for presentations. It is very important to choose the right colour for powerpoints as they reflect what we feel. For example, the colour blue might reflect that the presenters are feeling calm and collected. So, to conclude, it is important to choose the right colour to get an excellent presentation and impression from the audience. 

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Image result for psychology of color





